This is Mike….always my hero. But, now my hero is aging. He is an Hungarian Kuvasz. The life span for a Kuvasz is only 10 years. Our “princess Allie” passed at 10. Mike is now 13 years old. All his faculties are still intact and excellent….eyes, ears, nose and his bloodwork is so normal the vet didn’t believe it. He had to draw it twice. Mike’s only problem is his hips …not congenital hips….just old age. He start losing the strength and falling and dragging himself around. Truly broke my heart because I thought his end was near. BUT…..I got him this harness which is AWESOME…..and then I made an appointment with Animal Kingdom Chiropractic.
My husband and I were so amazed at the first visit that we now bring him weekly… long a his body lets us. After having almost 9 months of treatment on myself, I just can’t believe how well it does to animals. It is giving Mike a lot of relief for this part of his life. There are some bad days due to cold or long drives in car – I added booties for this winter and it helps tremendously. I highly recommend Dr. Claudia. Mike just loves her and the snacks she hides.